Happy Volunteers’ Week!

2 years ago, we were angered into action.

We truly had no idea of what path laid before us in terms of firstly, the magnitude of the issue we were tackling and secondly, the truly incredible number of people who felt as outraged as we were and wanted to stand up and act.

This week is one of our favourite weeks because it highlights the contributions made by volunteers across the UK and is our chance to say to each and every person involved in this project: thank you. Thank you for giving up your time. Thank you for caring so deeply about other people in your communities. Thank you for building this project and shaping it into the joyous and effective initiative that it is today. We have each other’s back and those of the thousands of young people we support in educational settings and youth clubs across the country.

There are no words that would give how I feel, the justice they deserve. I really could not have given my life to this project without the love and support of all of the volunteer coordinators involved in The Red Box Project and you have shown myself and others that kindness and commitment really do make a bloody difference.

Anna Miles – Co-Founder – The Red Box Project

Volunteers’ Week
